11. A transistor is connected in CB mode. If it is not connected in CE mode with same bias voltages, the values of IE, IB and IC will ___________
12. When the temperature changes, the operating point is shifted due to .
13. BC 147 transistor indicates that it is made of ___________
14. Double tuned circuits are used in ___________ stages of a radio receiver
15. In a tansistor, IC = 100 mA and IE = 100.2 mA. The value of ß is ___________
16. If the value of a is 0.9, then value of ß is ___________
17. The disadvantage of base resistor method of transistor biasing is that it ___________
18. The dimensions of L/CR are that of ___________
19. IC = [a/(1 - a )] IB + [. . . . . . . . /(1 - a)]?
20. In a transistor, the base current is about ___________ of emitter current
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