31. $${{\text{I}}_{\text{C}}} = \beta \,{{\text{I}}_{\text{B}}}\, + \,........$$
32. For faithful amplification by a transistor circuit, the value of VBE should ___________ for a silicon transistor
33. An ideal value of stability factor is ___________
34. At series or parallel resonance, the circuit power factor is ___________
35. The relation between $$\beta $$ and $$\alpha $$ is ___________.
36. If Q of an LC circuit increases, then bandwidth ___________
37. In a transistor ___________
38. The leakage current in CE arrangement is ___________ that in CB arrangement
39. In the double tuned circuit, if the mutual inductance between the two tuned circuits is decreased, the level of resonance curve ___________
40. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of ___________
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