51. The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a transistor connected in common collector arrangement is ___________
52. The input impedance of a transistor connected in ___________ arrangement is the highest
53. The output impedance of a transistor connected in ___________ arrangement is the highest
54. The power gain in a transistor connected in ___________ arrangement is the highest
55. The voltage gain in a transistor connected in ___________ arrangement is the highest
56. In a transistor if ß = 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is ___________
57. The Q of a tuned amplifier is generally ___________
58. The value of ß for a transistor is generally ___________
59. If the maximum collector current due to signal alone is 3 mA, then zero signal collector current should be at least equal to ___________
60. The purpose of resistance in the emitter circuit of a transistor amplifier is to ___________
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