21. In van der walls crystals, there exists a high degree of stability of the outer electron shell.
22. On the basis of the type of chemical bonds, solids may be classified into
23. Which of the following are true for relative dielectric constant?
1. It is dimensionless.
2. It is equal to 1 for vacuum.
3. It is equal to 1 for all substances.
1. It is dimensionless.
2. It is equal to 1 for vacuum.
3. It is equal to 1 for all substances.
24. In an intrinsic semiconductor, at a given temperature T
25. The resistance of a photoconductor
26. Electrical contact materials used in switches, brushes, relay must possess
27. The merger of hole and free electron is called
28. Ferrimagnetic materials have anti parallel orientation of equal moments of permanent dipoles.
29. In a metal, the valence electrons
30. Wood is a diamagnetic material.
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