Father of industrial engineering is
A. Jack Gilbert
B. Henry Laurence Gantt
C. Frederick Taylor
D. Isaac Newton
Answer: Option C
Solution(By Examveda Team)
Frederick Taylor (1856 – 1915) is generally credited as being the father of the Industrial Engineering discipline. He earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Steven's University and earned several patents from his inventions. His books, Shop Management and The Principles of Scientific Management which were published in the early 1900s, were the beginning of Industrial Engineering. Improvements in work efficiency under his methods were based on improving work methods, developing work standards, and reduction in time required to carry out the work. With an abiding faith in the scientific method, Taylor's contribution to "Time Study" sought a high level of precision and predictability for manual tasks.Source : wikipedia.org
Answer is wrong., Father of Indus. Engg. is F.W. Taylor
Gnatt is production schedule