
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
I ________ much of the film because I fell asleep half-way through.

A. had seen

B. didn't see

C. wasn't seen

D. saw

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In the given sentence "I didn't see much of the film because I fell asleep halfway through," the most appropriate word to fill in the blank is "didn't see."

The sentence is in the past tense, and the speaker is referring to a specific action in the past (watching the film). "Didn't see" is the contracted form of "did not see," which is used to indicate the negative past tense, stating that the speaker did not perform the action of seeing much of the film.

The other options do not use the correct verb form for the given sentence. Option A, "had seen," is in the past perfect tense, which is not suitable for this sentence because it would imply an action that occurred before another past action. Option C, "wasn't seen," is in the passive voice, which does not fit the context of the sentence. Option D, "saw," is in the simple past tense, but it does not convey the negative aspect required by the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is "B. didn't see."

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