For crushing of solids, the Rittinger's law states that the work required for crushing is proportional to
A. The new surface created
B. The size reduction ratio
C. The change in volume due to crushing
D. None of these
Answer: Option A
A. The new surface created
B. The size reduction ratio
C. The change in volume due to crushing
D. None of these
Answer: Option A
A. Rittinger's law
B. Kick's law
C. Bond's law
D. None of these
Traces of solids are removed from, liquid in a
A. Classifier
B. Clarifier
C. Sparkler filter
D. Rotary vacuum filter
Which of the following is not categorised as a "mechanical operation"?
A. Agitation
B. Filtration
C. Size enlargement
D. Humidification
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