
From a circular plate of diameter 6 cm is cut out a circle whose diameter is a radius of the plate. Find the e.g. of the remainder from the centre of circular plate

A. 0.5 cm

B. 1.0 cm

C. 1.5 cm

D. 2.5 cm

Answer: Option A

This Question Belongs to Mechanical Engineering >> Engineering Mechanics

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Faeiz Noman
    Faeiz Noman :
    3 years ago

    Given the weight per unit length, w = 1.2 kg/m.

    The length of the wire, L = 20 m.

    The horizontal tension, T = 1500 kg

    Let the dip in the middle of the span is S.

    The horizontal force (TENSION) is given as


    Substitute the given values, we get


    S = 0.04 m=4cm

  2. Faeiz Noman
    Faeiz Noman :
    3 years ago


  3. Siva Kumar
    Siva Kumar :
    3 years ago


  4. Sejal Sarode
    Sejal Sarode :
    3 years ago


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