11. Intensity of production declines with distance from the market and the type of land use varies with distance from the market are the two basic tenets of:
12. The grasslands in Canada are known as:
13. India's major contacts with out-side world for the last two millennia have been by sea there-by earning the title for India:
14. The oldest rock system of the world is:
15. The names of Harry Hess, R . S . Dietz, W . J . Morgan and Le Pichon are associated with:
16. The concept of sustainable development relates to:
17. Which country is known as the "Sugar Bowl" of the world?
18. The Homolographic projection has the correct representation of
19. The latitudinal differences in pressure delineate a number of major pressure zones, which correspond with
20. The higher the wind speed and the longer the fetch or distance of open water across which the wind blows and waves travel, the ____ waves and the ____ energy they process.
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