The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion) on ________

The seasonal contrasts are maximum in ________

Geostationary orbit is at a height of ________

A radio broadcast from Delhi on Monday at 7.30 p.m. is heard at New York on ________

The position of the sun is annually twice overhead at Singapore because of the ________

Insolation heats up the land masses more quickly than the water bodies because ________

Which of these statements are correct?
1. Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich and is at 0° Longitude.
2. International Date Line, on the map appears as a straight line along 180° Longitude.
3. While crossing International Date Line from east to west, one gains a day.
4. Tropic of Cancer lies at Latitude.

The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the ________

If news is broadcast from London at 10:30 AM, at what time it will be heard at Baghdad (45°E)?

If the earth's direction of rotation is reversed, what would be the IST when it is noon at the International Date Line?

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