Which of the following principle propagated by Aligarh school which helped in bringing reforms in Muslims?
I. Intolerance to other religions and religious texts
II. Quran was the only authoritative work for Islam and all others are secondary. Therefore said belief in only Islam
III. Incorporate modern western thought

Which of the following leader associated with Barout in Uttar Pradesh during 1857 revolts?

Which of the following works taken up even after the decline of the movement?

The Prarthana Samaj had been established by

What was the contribution of Sayyid Ahmad Khan towards education of Muslims?
I. Brought translation of books to Urdu
II. Founded Aligarh Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College for spreading western sciences
III. Encouraged people to send their children to schools

Swami Dayanand Saraswati established the Arya Samaj in 1875 at

Which of the following reformer was associated with Prarthana Samaj?

Which among the following statements is/ are not correct?
I. The theosophical society preached the Aryan philosophy and religion
II. It laid great emphasis on the Vedas and Upanishad.
III. It considered Hinduism to be the best religion and the only means to attain salvation.
IV. It called for universal brotherhood.
V. The Upanishads revealed the essence of life

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of the__________

The original name of Swami Dayananda Saraswati was

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