Our ancestors used to say “when your signature becomes your autograph; consider it as success”. Success is a rather subjective term. Your perspective of success might be different from the other person. Hence, it can be said that a person has his/her own definition of success.
It comes as an obvious question from the interviewer to check what you are aiming for in your life.
Consider the following points for framing a satisfactory answer to this question:
1. Quote a general definition of success. Keep it simple.
2. Briefly relate how your life and career goals fit into your definition of success.
3. Remember success is a continuous evolving process. It cannot halt or stop after reaching a particular level/status.
4. Take extra care that you don’t sound materialistic.
Now, it’s time for 'participation':
*Assume that you are sitting in the interview room now.
*You have been asked to ‘How do you define success and how do you measure it in context of your own definition’. Go ahead; give it a try on how to answer the same. Post your own answers and get them reviewed .