
In a ceilingfan employing capacitor run motor

A. secondary winding surrounds the primary winding

B. primary winding surrounds the secondary winding

C. both are usual arrangements

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Awais Ahmed
    Awais Ahmed :
    7 months ago

    explanation: In summary, a ceiling fan employing capacitor run motor has a secondary winding that surrounds the primary winding. This arrangement creates a magnetic field that rotates around the stator, which in turn causes the rotor to rotate. Capacitor run motors have several advantages over other types of single-phase induction motors, including high starting torque, low noise, and energy efficiency.

    Read more at: https://edurev.in/question/1862360/In-a-ceilingfan-employing-capacitor-run-motora-secondary-winding-surrounds-the-primary-windingb-prim

  2. Motilal Suthar
    Motilal Suthar :
    4 years ago

    secondary winding is wounded on periphery of circular stator core thus primary Is surrounded by secondary.

  3. Naveen Sharma
    Naveen Sharma :
    6 years ago

    Please explain.. How

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