
In a metal arc welding process, metal transfer across the arc may take place by a method of material transfer where the metal transfers across the arc is in larger drops. This is at the rate of 100 drops/sec or less, what is this known as

A. Globular transfer

B. Spray transfer

C. GMAW practice

D. Dip transfer

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In short-circuiting or 'dip' transfer, the molten metal forming on the tip of the wire is transferred by the wire dipping into the weld pool. In a metal arc welding process, metal transfer across the arc may take place by a method of material transfer where the metal transfers across the arc is in larger drops. This is at the rate of 100 drops/sec or less, what is this known as Dip Transfer

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Nilotpal Kumar
    Nilotpal Kumar :
    5 years ago

    In globular transfer- 10 drop per second
    In spray transfer - 100 drop or more per second

    6 years ago

    it is globular transfer

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