
In computers ,what is the smallest and basic unit of information storage?

A. Bit

B. Byte

C. Newton

D. Mega Byte

E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The smallest unit of data in a computer is called Bit (Binary Digit). A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. The value of a bit is usually stored as either above or below a designated level of electrical charge in a single capacitor within a memory device.

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Amulya Marimadaiah
    Amulya Marimadaiah :
    4 years ago

    Byte should be the answer as bit is the smallest unit of data representation/computation in computer. When comes to storage, minimum amount of memory that can be used to store a single character (printable or non-printable) is a byte. You can not store any data in less than 1 byte in the computer.

  2. Tohid Fahim
    Tohid Fahim :
    5 years ago

    Ans is byte

  3. Mukta Garg
    Mukta Garg :
    6 years ago

    storage unit is byte

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