
In LISP, the addition 3 + 2 is entered as

A. 3 + 2

B. 3 add 2

C. 3 + 2 =

D. (+ 3 2)

E. None of the above

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In LISP, mathematical operations are typically written in prefix notation, where the operator precedes its operands within parentheses.
So, the addition of 3 and 2 is represented as (+ 3 2).
Options A, B, and C do not follow the syntax of LISP for arithmetic operations.
Therefore, the correct LISP notation for the addition 3 + 2 is Option D: (+ 3 2).

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  1. AL MaMun
    AL MaMun :
    3 years ago

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