In order to get maximum power transfer from a capacitive source, the load must have an impedance that is the complex conjugate of the source impedance.
A. True
B. False
Answer: Option A
A. True
B. False
Answer: Option A
Referring to the given circuit, what is VTH if VS = 12 ∠0° V?
A. 4.69 ∠38.7° V
B. 9.38 ∠38.7° V
C. 12 ∠0° V
D. 6 ∠0° V
Referring to the given circuit, find ZTH if VS is 180° V.
A. 9.82 ∠-51.3° kΩ
B. 9.38 ∠-51.3° kΩ
C. 180 ∠-38.3° kΩ
D. 19.2 ∠-38.3° kΩ
Determine VTH when R1 is 180 Ω and XL is 90 Ω.
A. 135∠63.4° V
B. 13.5∠63.4° V
C. 12.2∠0° V
D. 122∠0° V
The two basic components of a Thevenin equivalent ac circuit are
A. The equivalent voltage source and the equivalent series impedance
B. The equivalent voltage source and the equivalent series resistance
C. The equivalent voltage source and the equivalent parallel impedance
D. The equivalent voltage source and the equivalent parallel resistance
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