In the context of big data, what is the term for the process of preparing and transforming data so that it can be effectively analyzed and visualized?
A. Data sampling
B. Data preprocessing
C. Data deduplication
D. Data siloing
Answer: Option B
A. Data sampling
B. Data preprocessing
C. Data deduplication
D. Data siloing
Answer: Option B
What is the primary characteristic of "big data"?
A. Small volume of data
B. High velocity of data
C. Variety of data sources
D. Low complexity of data
In the context of big data, what does the "3Vs" represent?
A. Velocity, Value, Variability
B. Volume, Variety, Velocity
C. Volume, Value, Variety
D. Velocity, Veracity, Variety
A. Java
B. Python
C. Hadoop
What is the main purpose of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in a Hadoop ecosystem?
A. Real-time data processing
B. Data storage and retrieval
C. Data visualization
D. Data encryption
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