Examveda In the Mughal period the registers of the agricultural lands were maintained by A. Kotwal B. Qanungo C. Amin D. Krori Answer: Option B Solution(By Examveda Team) In the Mughal period the registers of the agricultural lands were maintained by Qanungo. This Question Belongs to History >> Mughal Empire
Solution(By Examveda Team) In the Mughal period the registers of the agricultural lands were maintained by Qanungo.
Babur (1526-1530 AD) was the ruler of which dynasty? A. Mughal B. Nanda C. Maurya D. Haryanka View Answer
Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by A. Sher Shah B. Akbar C. Humayun D. Bhadur Shah View Answer
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