
It is said that Muhammad-bin-Bakhtiyar Khalji, one of the commanders of Muhammad Ghori, conquered Nadia (one of the capitals of Bengal) with only 18 horsemen. The king of Bengal who then fled barefoot from his palace was

A. Samantasena

B. Hemantasena

C. Ballalasena

D. Lakshamanasena

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The king of Bengal who then fled barefoot from his palace was Lakshamanasena. Lakshmana Sena, also called Lakshman Sen in modern vernaculars, was the ruler from the Sena dynasty of the Bengal region on the Indian subcontinent. His rule lasted for 28 years; and extended to much of the eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent, notably Bengal and Bihar regions.

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