81. The provision which provides for mutual settlement of dispute by parties before the arbitral tribunal is laid down under:
82. In Conciliation:
83. Which among the following options is the main purpose of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
84. The 'Presiding Arbitrator' is appointed by:
85. An Arbitration Proceeding is:
86. The pendency of any arbitral proceeding is not a pre-condition in exercise of power by court. The court may grant interim relief before or during arbitral proceedings or at anytime after making of the arbitral award before it is enforced. It was held in case of
87. Which Court or Authority has the power to punish any person for contempt of the National Company Law Tribunal:
88. Principle of "accord and satisfaction":
89. Section 17 of the Indian Registration Act, 1908 requires registration of:
90. "International Commercial Arbitration" means an arbitration relating to disputes, where at least one of the parties is:
(1) an individual who is a national of or habitually resident in any country other than India
(2) a body corporate which is incorporated in any country other than India
(3) an association or a body of individuals whose central management and control is exercised in any country other than India
(4) a Government of a foreign country
(1) an individual who is a national of or habitually resident in any country other than India
(2) a body corporate which is incorporated in any country other than India
(3) an association or a body of individuals whose central management and control is exercised in any country other than India
(4) a Government of a foreign country
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