41. If a gift is made to a minor or a lunatic, the possession of the property can be handed over to
42. A Muslim man can marry the
43. De-jure guardian means
44. Which one of the following grounds is not available to Hindu and Muslim wives (both) to claim divorce?
45. Offsprings of a Muslim woman marrying second husband shall be
46. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 enables a Muslim woman to-
47. A collection of traditions known as 'Musnadu'l Imam Hambal consists of traditions:
48. Which of the following are sources of Muslim Law?
49. A gift made to a person not in existence is
50. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 deals with:
1. Right of Muslim women to seek divorce
2. Maintenance rights of Muslim who had been divorced by their husband by the pronouncement of talaq
3. Maintenance rights of Muslim Women who have sought divorce from their husbands
Select the correct answer
1. Right of Muslim women to seek divorce
2. Maintenance rights of Muslim who had been divorced by their husband by the pronouncement of talaq
3. Maintenance rights of Muslim Women who have sought divorce from their husbands
Select the correct answer
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