91. A credit in balance of payments indicates
92. A debit in balance of payments does not indicate
93. The current account of balance of payments includes
94. A country has a negative balance of trade it means the balance of payments on current account
95. The current account of balance of payments does not include
96. The capital account of balance of payments represents
97. Country A imports gold worth USD 100 million for commercial purposes. The transaction will affect
98. Money received for purchase of shares in Indian company by a foreign investor will be treated as foreign direct investment if
99. ADR/GDR can be issued
100. The apex body of the Foreign Trade is
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- International Finance and Treasury - Section 2
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 3
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 4
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 5
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 6
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 7
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 8
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 9