41. Which of the following is not an example of an international trade draft?
42. The first Indian company raised the fund by issuing Bond in US dollar in United States
43. Purchasing-power parity (PPP) refers to__________
44. A group of European countries have formed a union and created a common currency known as __________
45. The forward exchange rate __________
46. The spot exchange rate __________
47. Which organisation of the World Bank Group deals with matters related to the development of the poorest countries in the world?
48. India s foreign exchange rate system is?
49. The index of Financial Inclusion has been launched for the first time in 2008
50. The most liquid asset among the following is?
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- International Finance and Treasury - Section 2
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 3
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 4
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 5
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 6
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 7
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 8
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 9