61. An operation in order to protect the domestic currency value of an asset or a liability that is denominated in foreign currency is called as
62. Difference between buying and selling rates in an exchange rate or interest rate quotation is known as
63. International Finance Corporation established in
64. Which exchange rate theory focuses on the inflation exchange rate relationship?
65. The exchange rate prevailing at a financial reporting date
66. The bank account of a non-resident of a country, where the amount of currency in the account cannot be transferred to another country is called as
67. Exchange rate between currency A and currency B, given the values of currencies A and B with respect to a third currency is known as
68. Agreement to exchange one currency for another at a specified exchange rate and date is
69. Long-term securities denominated in two currencies is called as
70. Foreign exchange transactions involve monetary transactions
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- International Finance and Treasury - Section 2
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 3
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 4
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 5
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 6
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 7
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 8
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 9