
Mango : Fruit :: Potato : ?

A. Root

B. Stem

C. Flower

D. Fruit

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

we are comparing the relationship between two different items. A "Mango" is a type of fruit, so the relationship is that of a fruit. To find a similar relationship for "Potato," we need to identify what category it belongs to. A "Potato" is a type of root vegetable. Therefore, the analogy is:

Mango : Fruit :: Potato : Root

So, the correct answer is Option A: Root, as it correctly completes the analogy, representing the category to which "Potato" belongs.

This Question Belongs to Competitive Reasoning >> Analogy

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Comments ( 5 )

  1. Omer Kotay
    Omer Kotay :
    4 months ago

    Potato is modified stem

  2. Abdullah Al
    Abdullah Al :
    6 months ago

    Potato is a metamorphic root.

  3. Kanhaiya Yadav
    Kanhaiya Yadav :
    3 years ago

    Potato : vegetable not stem

  4. Kanhaiya Yadav
    Kanhaiya Yadav :
    3 years ago

    Potato : root not stem

  5. Deepak Kumar
    Deepak Kumar :
    5 years ago

    if there is one option like Vegetable, then what will be the answer, plz comment..

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