
Muhammad Afzal v. Ghulam Kasim (1903) ILR Cal 843 is a leading case on which of the following?

A. Rule against perpetuity

B. Equity of redemption

C. Doctrine of election

D. Doctrine of holding over

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The case of Muhammad Afzal v. Ghulam Kasim (1903) ILR Cal 843 is a prominent legal precedent concerning the doctrine of election. This doctrine operates within property law and mandates an individual to choose between two conflicting rights or benefits. Essentially, if a person is presented with two mutually exclusive options, they must decide on one and cannot simultaneously claim both.

In the context of the case, the doctrine of election likely arises in a scenario where a person confronts contradictory choices concerning a property or legal matter. The case would elucidate the legal consequences of making a selection between these options, providing guidance on how the doctrine of election is applied under the framework of the Transfer of Property Act.

Therefore, if the Muhammad Afzal v. Ghulam Kasim case is associated with the doctrine of election, Option C: Doctrine of election would indeed be the accurate answer.

**Please keep in mind that interpretations of legal cases can sometimes differ, and for detailed and accurate information about a specific court case. it is best to refer to the official court records or seek advice from legal experts. As a helpful service, we provide solutions to the questions, but when it comes to legal matters, relying on official and expert sources is essential to get the most reliable information.

This Question Belongs to Law >> Transfer Of Property Act

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  1. Bharan Homer
    Bharan Homer :
    1 year ago

    Issues of the case

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