
Nelson Mandela was deprived . . . . . . . . his freedom.

A. from

B. in

C. with

D. of

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The correct preposition to use in this sentence is "of". The sentence should read, "Nelson Mandela was deprived of his freedom." The preposition "of" is used to indicate possession, origin, or deprivation. In this context, it signifies that Nelson Mandela was denied or had his freedom taken away.

Option A: from is not the correct answer as it is used to indicate separation or origin, but it does not convey the same meaning as "deprived of."

Option B: in is not the correct answer as it does not accurately convey the idea of being deprived of something.

Option C: with is not the correct answer as it does not convey the correct sense of deprivation in this context.

Given the options provided, the correct answer is Option D: of.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Preposition

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  1. Tofazzalhossain Misbah
    Tofazzalhossain Misbah :
    9 months ago


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