31. Match the following:
a. G Ryle
1. Concept of Mind
b. Hegel
2. Absolute Idealist
c. AJ Ayer
3. Emotivist
d. Wittgenstein
4. Blue Book
List-I | List-II |
a. G Ryle | 1. Concept of Mind |
b. Hegel | 2. Absolute Idealist |
c. AJ Ayer | 3. Emotivist |
d. Wittgenstein | 4. Blue Book |
32. Who propounded the theory of 'Language Game'?
33. What according to Frege may change without changing the identity of the object to which the sign refers?
34. What is the link between the objects?
35. How the truth value of the sentence is determined?
36. It is necessary according to Frege to have a same sense or meaning towards an object?
37. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason(R). Considering (A) and (R) in the light of logical positivism and select the correct answer.
Assertion (A) According to the principle of verification 'meaning of a proposition is the mode of its verification'.
Reason (R) All the statements which could neither be verified nor falsified by experience are meaningful.
Assertion (A) According to the principle of verification 'meaning of a proposition is the mode of its verification'.
Reason (R) All the statements which could neither be verified nor falsified by experience are meaningful.
38. What is the central theme of Investigation?
39. Which theory is refuted by GE Moore?
40. Moore wrote
1. Principi Mathematica
2. Principi Ethica
3. Refutation of Idealism
4. Description is Essential
Select the correct answer:
1. Principi Mathematica
2. Principi Ethica
3. Refutation of Idealism
4. Description is Essential
Select the correct answer:
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