41. Who tells "Knowledge is primarily of a definite object and is to be distinguished from the awareness of the indefinite"?
42. According to Vivekananda, the philosophy behind the rituals worship is regarded as
43. Intuition and intellect are complementary to each other according to
44. Which among the following does not come under the three steps of Integral Yoga?
45. According to Gandhi, trusteeship means
46. Iqbal believes in
1. Immortality of Self
2. Man and Superman
3. Monotheism
4. Quran
Select the correct answer:
1. Immortality of Self
2. Man and Superman
3. Monotheism
4. Quran
Select the correct answer:
47. According to Gandhiji, the goal of constructive programme is
48. Who among the following believes in 'one caste, one religion, one God' theory?
49. Iqbal believes in
50. According to Iqbal, Ego cannot live in
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