11. Anaximander's theory of evolution describes Earth as what?
12. The materialist's who believed in matter are called as
13. Which one of the, following early Greek philosephers held that : "You can not know what is not, nor can you express it. What can be thought of and what can be-they are the same".
14. In the given question two statements are given one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other Reason (R). Find the correct statement:
Assertion (A) Parmenides was a monist.
Reason (R) According to Parmenides, Being is one, eternal and indivisible.
Assertion (A) Parmenides was a monist.
Reason (R) According to Parmenides, Being is one, eternal and indivisible.
15. Which one of the following statements represents the position of Anaximander?
16. The Ionian philosophers took the aid of rational explanation to prove the origin of . . . . . . . .
17. Every atoms is different, depending upon some characteristic. These are for Democritus as
1. Size
2. Colour
3. Shape
4. Name
1. Size
2. Colour
3. Shape
4. Name
18. "No one can step down in the same river twice" This is said by whom?
19. Who among the following are the part of Eleatic
1. Zeno
2. Parmenides
3. Xenophanes
4. Anaxagoras
1. Zeno
2. Parmenides
3. Xenophanes
4. Anaxagoras
20. Which one the following philosophers believed in the Transmigration of Soul?
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