71. Distinction between the appearance and reality, sense and thought is given by
72. What is the term used by Anaxagoras for the intelligent thing that holds maximum power?
73. What is that Matter for Heraclitus on which rest of things depend?
74. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Considering (A) and (R) in the light of Thales. Select the correct answer:
Assertion (A) Magnet has a soul.
Reason (R) Magnet possesses a power to move other things.
Assertion (A) Magnet has a soul.
Reason (R) Magnet possesses a power to move other things.
75. Does for Democritus, atoms are divisible?
76. By which procedure, air first becomes clouds?
77. Who among the following believed that the ultimate principle of universe is matter, along with Thales?
78. Socrates says that
1. virtue is knowledge through concepts.
2. vice is ignorance.
3. virtue can be taught.
4. virtue is one.
Select the correct answer:
1. virtue is knowledge through concepts.
2. vice is ignorance.
3. virtue can be taught.
4. virtue is one.
Select the correct answer:
79. "You can hot known what is not, nor can you express it. What can be thought of and what can be - they are the same".
80. The philosophy where their are many things that exist but the claim is on single eternal reality only. This theory is called as
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