Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Pythagoras 1. Numbers
b. Parmenides 2. Appearance and reality
c. Democritus 3. Perception and thought
d. Thales 4. Water

Match the following.
List-I List-II
a. Protagoras 1. Homo Mensura
b. Gorgias 2. Nihilism
c. Socrates 3. Virtue is Knowledge
d. Descartes 4. Cogito Ego Sum

Match the following.
List-I List-II
a. On nature 1. Gorgias
b. No book 2. Socrates
c. Homo Mensura 3. Protagoras
d. Atomism 4. Democritus

In order to look for the answer that how things in nature exist, Thales took the help of which type of reasonings?
1. Logical
2. Argument
3. Evidence
4. Sense-Experience

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