61. There is only one God and there are no Gods at all. It is the wew of
62. What is the period when it is said that philosophy was handmaid to theology?
63. Philosophy of the world has the three aspects of creation out of nothing, according to the ideals and God. This theory is held by
64. How toe soul came into existence?
65. Who among the following philosophers give the concept that we human are finite beings so we need someone also to whom all things are dependent?
66. Who said that "Our earthly life is a pilgrimage to God."?
67. The first three arguments for the existence existence of God, given by St. Thomas Aquinas are called
68. Without active will on the part of man, he will not be able to sense, know and rise to the final vision of God. This theory is given by
69. What is the other name of Teleological argument?
70. The view that "All things were created good by God and evil is corruption of that Good" was held by
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