31. What kind of knowledge is given by the Dialectical method of Plato?
32. Arrange the following theories in order in which they appeared.
1. Theory of Ideas
2. Theory of Innate Ideas
3. Theory of Four Causes
4. Theory of Verification
1. Theory of Ideas
2. Theory of Innate Ideas
3. Theory of Four Causes
4. Theory of Verification
33. Which group of the elements mentioned below belongs to substance according to Aristotle?
1. Universal
2. Qualities
3. Relations
4. An unknown substratum called matter by itself.
1. Universal
2. Qualities
3. Relations
4. An unknown substratum called matter by itself.
34. As per Aristotle's distinction between various sciences, "the pure and abstract knowledge is dealt by
35. According to Plato, human imagination is based upon what?
36. Which among the following according to Plato are one and the same thing?
37. Aristotle gives how many classification of sciences?
38. What does Plato mean by calling men as 'Good'?
39. Who raised objection against the fallacy of the third man argument?
40. What is the form of matter?
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