41. Consider with regard to Plato's theory of knowledge and mark option below
1. Conjectural knowledge is a kind of sensuous knowledge
2. Source of belief is sense perception
3. Conjecture and belief are grouped under 'opinion'
4. Dialectical knowledge rests on hypothesis
1. Conjectural knowledge is a kind of sensuous knowledge
2. Source of belief is sense perception
3. Conjecture and belief are grouped under 'opinion'
4. Dialectical knowledge rests on hypothesis
42. Matter and form can be distinguished in what?
43. Which of the following were rejected by Plato with regard to the answer 'what is Knowledge'?
1. Knowledge is sense perception.
2. Knowledge is opinion.
3. Knowledge is judgement.
4. Knowledge is true judgement.
Select the correct answer:
1. Knowledge is sense perception.
2. Knowledge is opinion.
3. Knowledge is judgement.
4. Knowledge is true judgement.
Select the correct answer:
44. Which among the following is not the argument from relation, according to Plato?
45. Organon was regarded as . . . . . . . . work on logic.
46. According to Aristotle, logic comes under which domain?
47. Aristotle wrote
1. Nichomachean ethics
2. Symposium
3. Logic as organon
4. Memo
Select the correct answer:
1. Nichomachean ethics
2. Symposium
3. Logic as organon
4. Memo
Select the correct answer:
48. "If there are no individual circular things; there would be no such thing as the form called circularity? Can be attributed to
49. Which among the following is not the characteristics of Ideas?
50. Plato means soul . . . . . . . . over the world of bodies.
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