61. What does Yajna means in Vedic philosophy?
1. A sacrifice which saves the wordly creatures
2. Eventual hell
3. Help in attain heaven
4. Does not help in any thing
Select the correct answer:
1. A sacrifice which saves the wordly creatures
2. Eventual hell
3. Help in attain heaven
4. Does not help in any thing
Select the correct answer:
62. How Vedas are revealed to the external world?
63. Brahman pervades which of the following things?
64. Which one among the following is not correct regarding Rta?
65. Theory of creation state that
1. water comes first
2. water develop the world
3. nothing come first
4. nothing develops the world
Select the correct answer:
1. water comes first
2. water develop the world
3. nothing come first
4. nothing develops the world
Select the correct answer:
66. Rta is identified with
67. Aham Brahamasmi' belongs to which of the following?
68. In the dream stage which of the following works alone?
69. Study of scriptures' are performed under the which type of Yajna?
70. In Vedic tradition, yajna is performed under the direction of
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