41. Which among the following are the two variants of egoism?
42. The moral argument, for the necessity of rebirth has been advanced by
43. Who advocated this 'Duty for Duty Sake'?
44. Kingdom of Ends' is which maxim of Kant?
45. The word ethics is derived from the Latin word 'Ethos' which means?
46. In which book Cicero dealt with the ethical concepts?
47. Right is regarded as
1. Means
2. Ethics
3. End
4. Non-ethic
Select the correct answer:
1. Means
2. Ethics
3. End
4. Non-ethic
Select the correct answer:
48. Whether Kant was against utilttarianism?
49. Negative utilitarianism avoids what?
50. According to . . . . . . . ., eudaimonia is defined as benevolent spirit.
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