81. Which keyword can be used to fix the above error?
82. Which one of the following statements is true for include_once() and require_once()?
83. Which one of the following statements is true for require() and require_once()?
84. Which function was introduced to help automate the inclusion of class files?
85. How many times can you define _______ autoload in a process?
86. Which one of the following functions will you use to check that the class exists before you work with it?
87. Which one of the following will you use to check the class of an object?
88. PHP 4 did not support instanceof. Instead, which function did it provide?
89. You use the get_class_methods() function to return the names of all the methods in the class. Which function will you use to print it on the screen?
90. If you call a method and it doesn’t exist it’ll cause a problem. To check the method which function will you use?
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