Prior to the invention of time sharing, the prevalent method of computer access was:
A. batch processing
B. telecommunication
C. remote access
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer: Option A
Solution(By Examveda Team)
Prior to the invention of time-sharing systems, the prevalent method of computer access was batch processing.In batch processing, users would submit their jobs to the computer operator, who would then compile these jobs into batches and execute them sequentially without user interaction. Results were typically obtained after the entire batch had completed processing.
Options B and C are not accurate descriptions of the prevalent method of computer access before time-sharing:
Option B: Telecommunication refers to the transmission of data over long distances and is not specific to computer access methods.
Option C: Remote access implies accessing a computer system from a remote location, which became more prevalent with the advent of time-sharing systems but was not the prevalent method before that.
Option D: "All of the above" is incorrect because Options B and C are not accurate.
Therefore, the correct choice for the prevalent method of computer access prior to the invention of time sharing is Option A: batch processing.
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