Question : How is Tanya related to the man in the photograph ?
Statements :
I. Man in the photograph is the only son of Tanya's grandfather.
II. The man in the photograph has no brothers or sisters and his father is Tanya's grandfather.
A. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
B. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
C. Either I or II is sufficient
D. Neither I nor II is sufficient
E. Both I and II are sufficient
Answer: Option C
Solution(By Examveda Team)
From I, we conclude that the man is the only son of Tanya's grandfather i.e. he is Tanya's father or Tanya is the man's daughter.From II, we conclude that the man's father is Tanya's grandfather. Since the man has no brothers or sisters, so he is Tanya's father or Tanya is the man's daughter.
The answer is right. But the explanation is wrong.
The first statement says Father of that photograph Man is grand father of tanaya...and that man is only son. which lead us to two conclusion
1) The man can be tanaya's father
Reason: very obvious
2)The man is tanaya's uncle (mama)
Reason: He is son of grand father of tanaya...our uncles(mama) are son of our grandfather.
He is only son. So there is no other son for sure. But there can be daughter ho is mother of tanaya.
statement two gives us clear idea.
1 is also correct,as it reveals man is only son of T's grandfather means he is T's father...Only son suggests he has no brothers and sisters ,then why to expel it from the answer.
Acc. to me it should be Either 1 or 2..
both statements alone are is sufficient for determining the relation.