1. In dplyr, what function is used to select specific columns from a data frame?
2. How do you filter rows in a dplyr data frame based on a specific condition using filter()?
3. In dplyr, what does the arrange() function do?
4. What function is used to create a new variable in a dplyr data frame based on existing variables?
5. How do you perform a group-wise summary operation using dplyr's group_by() and summarize() functions?
6. What is the purpose of the distinct() function in dplyr?
7. In dplyr, what does the mutate() function do?
8. How do you join two data frames based on a common column using dplyr's left_join()?
9. In dplyr, what is the purpose of the %>% operator (pipe operator)?
10. What is the role of the summarize() function in dplyr?
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