Select the correct sequence of the gradations of Moksa in Madhva Vedanta
A. Sayujya, Sarupya, Samipya, Salokya
B. Salokya, Samipya, Sarupya, Sayujya
C. Sarupya, Samipya, Salokya, Sayujya
D. Salokya, Sayujya, Sarupya, Samipya
Answer: Option B
A. Sayujya, Sarupya, Samipya, Salokya
B. Salokya, Samipya, Sarupya, Sayujya
C. Sarupya, Samipya, Salokya, Sayujya
D. Salokya, Sayujya, Sarupya, Samipya
Answer: Option B
What does the 'Vedanta' means?
A. Starting of Vedas
B. End of Vedas
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
A. Ramanuja
B. Nimbarka
C. Madhva
D. Shankara
Who among the following is regarded as the founder of Advatta Vedanta?
A. Ramanuja
B. Madhvacharya
C. Shankara
D. VaUabhacharya
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