1. For the purpose of census 2011, which one of the following was taken as being literate? A. A person aged 10 years and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language B. A person aged 9 years and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language C. A person aged 5 years and above, who can both read and write with understanding in language D. A person aged 7 years and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option D No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
2. While the percentage of literacy has been increasing every decade, the total number of illiterates has been A. Decreasing B. Increasing C. Constant D. None of these Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option B No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
3. Which one of the following statements is not correct? A. Homogeneity of the population is a characteristic of a city B. Social changes occur more rapidly in the cities than in the towns and village C. The planning of cities is a modern innovation D. Most of the major cities of India are located on the coast or on navigable rivers Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
4. Which of the following states has lowest level of literacy? A. Uttar Pradesh B. Bihar C. Rajasthan D. Madhya Paradesh Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option B No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
5. In terms of the "Theory of demographic Transition", India can be placed in the A. First stage - High birth and death rate B. Second stage - high birth and falling death rate C. Third stage - low birth and death rate D. Fourth stage - low birth rate and high death rate Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option B No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
6. At present the National Commission on Population in under- A. Planning Commission B. Ministry of Human Resource Development C. Cabinet Secretariat D. Ministry of Health Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option D No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
7. The long-term objective of National Population Policy 2000 is to A. Adress the unmet needs for contraception B. Bring the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) to replacement levels C. Cover the entire population in the reproductive age with contraceptive and health care D. Achieve a stable population at a level consistent with the requirement of sustainable economic growth Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option D No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
8. As per the N. S. S. 61st round, poverty ratio in India for the year 2004-05 is estimated at- A. 23.6% B. 32.4% C. 27.5% D. 16.0% Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
9. Which of the following years is known as the 'Year of the Great Divide'? A. 1921 B. 1911 C. 1931 D. 1901 Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
10. According to 2011 census, per 1000 male female number is- A. 939 B. 959 C. 940 D. 927 Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board