Match the following in the term of Concepts and Thinkers
List I (Concepts) List II (Thinkers)
a. Family and Social Network 1. Young and Willmott
b. Family and Kinship in East London 2. Talcott Parsons
c. World Revolution and Family Patterns 3. Elizabeth Bott
d. Family, Socialisation and Interaction process 4. William J. Goode

A social institution is a structure of society that is organised to meet the needs of people chiefly through well established procedure is given by

Which of the following has been a result of globalisation on Indian Economy?

Match the following in the term of Term and Relationship:
List I (Term) List II (Relationship)
a. Genitor 1. Relationship by marriage
b. Genitrix 2. Biological father
c. Compadrazgo 3. Biological mother
d. Affinity 4. Ritual

Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. In simple societies kinship and territorial homogeneity made the exercising of political function possible.
2. Unique feature of society is the spirit of cultural accommodation.
Select the correct answer