
The angle of inclination of the plane at which the body begins to move down the plane, is called

A. Angle of friction

B. Angle of repose

C. Angle of projection

D. None of these

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Angle of Friction:
The angle of friction is the angle at which a body just begins to move down an inclined plane. It represents the maximum angle at which a body can rest on the inclined plane without sliding down. It is determined by the coefficient of friction between the surfaces in contact.

Angle of Repose:
The angle of repose is the maximum angle at which a pile of granular material remains stable without sliding or collapsing. It is the natural angle formed by loose particles such as sand, gravel, or powders when poured onto a flat surface. The angle of repose depends on factors such as the size, shape, and cohesion of the particles.

While both angles relate to the stability of objects on surfaces, they describe different scenarios: the angle of friction pertains to solid bodies on inclined planes, while the angle of repose relates to granular materials forming natural slopes.

Given the context of the question, which is about the angle at which a body begins to move down an inclined plane, the correct answer remains Option A: Angle of friction.

This Question Belongs to Mechanical Engineering >> Engineering Mechanics

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Comments ( 13 )

  1. Sharik Shakeel
    Sharik Shakeel :
    2 weeks ago

    please correct its, Answer should be Angle of Repose

  2. Devaki Wale
    Devaki Wale :
    2 years ago

    Option B is correct answer

  3. Mohammad Nasir
    Mohammad Nasir :
    3 years ago

    Make it correct plz, ans is B

  4. Satheesh R
    Satheesh R :
    3 years ago


    3 years ago

    Yes B is correct

  6. Rajat Patel
    Rajat Patel :
    3 years ago


  7. Nikunj Miyani
    Nikunj Miyani :
    3 years ago

    Ans B is the right answer

  8. Raghav
    Raghav :
    3 years ago

    Angle of friction

    3 years ago


  10. Abhi Arya
    Abhi Arya :
    3 years ago

    Faltu kuch v glt ans dal k app q bnate ho
    Angle of repose is correct

  11. Sarveshwer Chandra
    Sarveshwer Chandra :
    4 years ago

    B. Angle of repose

  12. Ravi SHANKAR
    Ravi SHANKAR :
    4 years ago

    Option B is correct

  13. Kamalesh Sarmah
    Kamalesh Sarmah :
    4 years ago

    Angle of repose is the correct one

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