
The Bastille Prison, where many important people . . . . . . . . at one time imprisoned, . . . . . . . . today visited by tourists.

A. have been/is

B. had been/have been

C. were/is

D. are/was

E. will be/has been

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In the sentence, "The Bastille Prison, where many important people were at one time imprisoned, is today visited by tourists," the past tense "were" is used to indicate a specific event that occurred in the past – the imprisonment of important people. This event is not ongoing; it happened at a particular point in history.

The present tense "is" is used to describe the current state or condition of the prison – it is visited by tourists today. This tense choice emphasizes the present reality and the continuous action of tourists visiting the prison as a result of its historical significance.

Therefore, Option C: were/is effectively conveys the sequence of events from the past (imprisonment) to the present (tourist attraction) in a grammatically correct and coherent manner.

In summary, Option C: were/is is the most appropriate choice as it accurately represents the past event and its impact on the present state of the Bastille Prison.

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