The crystal oscillator frequency is very stable due to ___________ of the crystal
A. Rigidity
B. Vibrations
C. Low Q
D. High Q
Answer: Option D
A. Rigidity
B. Vibrations
C. Low Q
D. High Q
Answer: Option D
In an LC oscillator, the frequency of oscillator is ___________ L or C.
A. Proportional to square of
B. Directly proportional to
C. Independent of the values of
D. Inversely proportional to square root of
Quartz crystal is most commonly used in crystal oscillators because ___________
A. It has superior electrical properties
B. It is easily available
C. It is quite inexpensive
D. None of the above
Hartley oscillator is commonly used in ___________
A. Radio receivers
B. Radio transmitters
C. TV receivers
D. None of the above
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