
The evidence for the non-conservation of parity β in β-decay has been obtained from the observation that the β intensity

A. antiparallel to the nuclear spin directions is same as that along the nuclear spin direction

B. antiparallel to the nuclear spin direction is not the same as that along the nuclear spin direction

C. shows a continuous distribution as a function of momentum

D. is independent of the nuclear spin direction

Answer: Option A

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A. $${\left( {{}^1{s_{1/2}}} \right)^2}{\left( {{}^1{p_{3/2}}} \right)^3};\,J = \frac{3}{2}$$

B. $${\left( {{}^1{s_{1/2}}} \right)^2}{\left( {{}^1{p_{1/2}}} \right)^2}{\left( {{}^1{p_{3/2}}} \right)^1};\,J = \frac{3}{2}$$

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