
The expression for the work done for a reversible polytropic process can be used to obtain the expression for work done for all processes, except reversible __________ process.

A. Isobaric

B. Isothermal

C. Adiabatic

D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

For a polytrophic process we know $$P{V^n} = {\text{constant}}$$
So, the work done in an polytrophic process is $$W = \frac{{{P_2}{V_2} - {P_1}{V_1}}}{{n - 1}}$$
So, we can see clearly when $$n = 1$$  the work done is becoming infinity which is wrong conceptually hence the above formulae can’t be applied in case of isothermal $$\left( {n - 1} \right)$$  process.

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